Tuesday 20 August 2019

Chicago: A look at the most influential architectural city in the world

Influence of Chicago Architecture John Eilermann

Ask any architect anywhere in the world about which city they believe to be the Mecca of modern architecture and nine out of ten will point to the Windy City, Chicago. For young architects, there are countless structures in Chicago that can inspire and influence their future work. John Eilermann.

Image source: visualthinking.studiojunglecat.com

Image source: travelandleisure.com
One of the earliest examples of this was the World’s Fair. Held in 1893 in Chicago’s famed Jackson Park, designers at the time came up with grand pavilion models designed after ancient Greek and Roman neoclassical architecture. John Eilermann

Today, of course, when one mentions the name Chicago, images of skyscrapers come to mind, just like its sister city, New York. In fact, the first skyscraper ever built, the 12-storey Home Insurance Building was constructed at the corner of Adams and LaSalle. This feat of architecture and engineering would go on to show that the creation of such a structure was indeed possible. John Eilermann.

As far as interior design goes, Chicago is known for its ‘doorless rooms’ which while was the norm, was catapulted into the status of mainstay in American culture because of the city they were in. John Eilermann.

Anyone who takes a few days off from work and decides to visit Chicago will immediately notice how architecture has breathed life into all its structures. John Eilermann